Tips and Shortcuts working in After Effects

  • Pre Compose Shift + Command + C
  • Hold alt key while creating parametric shapes to automatically convert to bezier
  • Merge Paths similar to Illustrator’s pathfinder. Mode: add, subtract, etc
  • Option + Command + Home to position anchor in center


  • A – Anchor Point
  • T – Opacity
  • UU – Toggles Opens / Closes All changed properties
  • P – Position
  • S – Scale
  • R – Rotation


  • Cmnd + N – New Composition 
  • Cmnd + K – Composition Settings
  • Cmnd + I – Import
  • Cmnd + Y – New Solid
  • Shift + Cmnd + Y = Solid Settings
  • Option + Bracket Extend Layer

Toolbar Shortcuts

  • Q – Shape Tool
  • G – Pen Tool
  • Y – Pan Behind Tool
  • Cmnd + T – Type Tool
  • Cmnd + B – Brush Tool/Clone Stamp Tool/Eraser Tool

Time navigation

  • Go to specific time Option+Shift+J
  • Previous or Next J or K
  • Go to beginning or End – Command+Option+Left Arrow / Command+Option+Right Arrow
  • B – Sets beginning of your workspace in the timeline based on the position of the playhead
  • N – Sets the end of your workspace in the timeline based on the position of the playhead



Hours : Minutes : Seconds : Frames

01:05:25:06. (One Hour, 5 Minutes, 25 Seconds, 6 Frames)